During the month of May 2024, early works of Arthur Wicks are being exhibited in the Riverina area, specifically, Wagga Wagga and Temora areas under the title of
The works exhibited at various venues are listed below. Images and details are provided. there.  Enjoy this virtual tour but the best is to visit the sites in person to see the works physically.

When you are ready you may want to check out one of the other Virtual Gallery Wings. Just click the appropriate button below.

library & research material
mining  the  archive
images details general commentary artist's commentary

TAFE Wagga Wagga
Gallery 43
Macleay St Wagga Wagga
On view till 24 May 2024
opening hours:
Monday to Friday 10am - 2pm.
Outside these times by appontment
phone 0457 070 612








Opening Thursday 2 May 2024 at 5.30pm


Photographs: Sarah Misfud

Viewing the thumbnails L to R, Top to Bottom gives an idea of the spacial arragement.




Basically painted works on canvas from the 1967 to 1974 period.
More information is available in the Virtual Wing dedicated to the early abstract works. Click HERE to visit that Wing.

Note that none of the shaped works ahve been included here.

Also a note regarding the 2 works, Full Speed and Study in Purple. Originally they began life as silkcreen prints. There was always the intention of creating painted images based on their colour intensities. This did not take place until 2013 when they were created and included in the exhibition at the Macquarie University Gallery exhibition and shortly afterwards at Charles Nodrum Gallery in Richmond.
For more information regarding their origins click HERE








Study in Purple 1967 / 2013

Full Speed 1967 / 2013


The Curious Rabbit
Cafe, Gallery, Bookshop
44 Johnston St Wagga Wagga
on view till 2 June 2024
opening hours:
Weekdays, 8 - 4.30; Fridays   8-8
Saturdays, 9 - 3;       Sundays, 10 - 2


photo: Jeremy Kruckel
click for larger


photo: Jeremy Kruckel
click for larger

A survey of printed graphic works covering the period 1965 to 1974.

Opening Friday 2 May 2024, 6pm


For more information regarding The Curious Rabbit, click HERE











Wagga Wagga Art Gallery Shop Space
Morrow St Wagga Wagga


Click image to visit the Virtual Sculpture Wing


Yellow Rocking Hill at Wilgie Mia

oil on wood/lead
18 8 x 112 x 80 cm





On view 10 - 20 May 2024








Advision Window Space
46 Fitmaurice St
Wagga Wagga
viewing 24/7 evolving window installation
final date to be notified later


Viewing as of Sunday 12 May 2024

More additions later in the week.





Evolving window installation from 10 May 2024

Street viewing 24/7.


These objects were created back in 1988/9 as 3 dimensional works for the Transformer: Field of Change touring exhibition at that time.

In 1990 when the Armoured Car was made and used in performance, they became the ordinance/ armourments to accompany and protect that vehicle.

Now in the current potitical situation they have morphed into something like an Early Warning Defence System.

Theree are more objects to accompany this group and anyone interested can view them in the 3D Transformers Virtual Wing.

To do that click HERE.






Viewing as  of Wednesday 22 May 2024

One more addition later this week.



Transformers (3 dimensional) which have been installed as
an Early Warning Defence System

Eastern Riverina Arts
The Station Gallery
Johnson St Wagga Wagga
10 - 20 May 2024
Open weekends Sat 10am - 4 pm,
Sun 10am - 2pm



Secret Landing Strip


For more informationon relating to this installation click HERE





Solstice AltarPiece

installed in the Ambulsnce Station Gallery

installed in the Ambulance Station Gallery

installed in the Ambulance Station Gallery


Temora Arts Centre
119 Aurora St   Temora
6 May - 14 June 2024
opening hours:
Mon to Fri, 9 - 4.30



click for larger

Exhibition of 3 large scale global images from the Notes from the Solstice Voyeur series,
together with a group of 5 digital images from the Premonitions of Conflict series and
Still Life with Subconsious Intrusions series

photos: Jeremy Kruckel















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