Entrance of the Virtual Gallery Wing where you will find information relating to the Armoured Car, a machine sculpture that was constructed in 1990.
Used in the performance "The Battlefield" at ADFA, Canberra 1990.
Then in Holland and Germany in performance "Peace Car through Europe" 1990
& shown in several spaces & in performance in the intervening period.
Now (2022) in the collection of the Australian War Memorial.
For more detailed information, please read on.

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the armoured car
+ peace car through europe
image details general commentary artist's running commentary



short video: click arrow at left to start
2 images, one for desktop, the other for phone



Dimensions: 220 x 103 x 270 cm
length extends additional 205 cm with the trailer

Materials: laminated pine wood, steel axle, sealed with oil and resins

The vehicle is an open skeletal structure.


First apearance of the vehicle in performance of "the Battlefield" in the Assembly Hall of the Australia Defence Force Academy (ADFA), Canberra, 1990

This sculptural vehicle began its life in the performance "the Battlefield" in the Assembly Hall of ADFA, Canberra in 1990 just six months before the start of the first Gulf War. At this stage the vehicle's manoeuvrability was still being road tested, so assistance to guide the vehicle was needed.



short video: click arrow at left to start
2 images, one for desktop, the other for phone




The work, constructed of laminated wood is sturdier than it appears. It is a Work in Progress which started its life as a human powered performance machine, driven through Amsterdam & Berlin in 1990 and later in parts of Australia - driven almost 20km in total; some of these under extreme conditions.
Its its subsequent life it existed as a relic, manned by an inert fibreglass figure cast from the artist’s body. Now in its current phase as a proposed installation at the University of Western Sydney it now contains for the first time a proximity sensor . When activated by a viewer it will generate a monologue from the the vehicle's occupant via a speaker attached to the lapel of the suit. Fragments of this text will suggest the viewer inspect the vehicle more closely and invite them to create their own narrative. Wear and tear on both the vehicle and the occupant suggest encounters which the viewer can only imagine prompting an element of urgency. It is a Work in Progress with its own developing history.



The armoured car left Australia in September 1990, attached to German artworks returning from the Sydney Biennale of that year. It arrived at Hamburg port and was freighted to the de Achterstraat art space in Hoorn, Holland. Here it was road tested and after a few mishaps, repaired in preparation for the main event in Amsterdam a week later.


a slide show of 14 images
click to start

NB: click right half large image for next image,
click left half large image for previous image;
proceed at your own pace


Entry into Amsterdam to take up position in the Fodor Museum before the hourly crossing of nearby Vizelstraat central Amsterdam

crossing the Magere (Skinny) Bridge, central Amsterdam, 1990

The 2nd phase of the performance was to enter Amsterdam Centrum; reach the Fodor Museum in Keizersgracht and from there to traverse the busy Vizelstraat on the hour for several hours.


slide show - 2 images

the armoured car in the foyer of the Fodor Museum, Amsterdam in preparation to cross Vizelstraat on the hour through the morning, 1990












Amsterdam Photographer: Caitlin Hulscher, Amsterdam




slide show - 4 images
click to start


the performance crossing Vizelstraat and return to Fodor Museum, central Amsterdam, 1990






slide show - 7 images
click to start

the performance crossing Vizelstraat and return to Fodor Museum, central Amsterdam, 1990

black & white images add drama to the event

photos by Caitlyn Hulscher, Amsterdam

























Postdamerstrasse, Berlin,
October 1990
remaining fragment of the original Berlin wall, torn down just months earlier


Photographer of Berlin images: Uwe Arens, Berlin






Postdamerstrasse, Berlin,
October 1990









Postdamerstrasse, Berlin,
October 1990




Postdamer Platz, Berlin,





Postdamer Platz, Berlin,
die TodenStreifen -
the Death Strip
the following 4 images give a good sense of the solitude that existed in the area between the two walls separating East from West Berlin - an area known as the 'Death Strip'.  





Postdamer Platz, Berlin,
die TodenStreifen -
the Death Strip





Postdamer Platz, Berlin,
die TodenStreifen -
the Death Strip
encountering the Fuhrer Bunker, where the order to invade Poland was given




Postdamer Platz, Berlin,
die TodenStreifen -
the Death Strip
encountering the Fuhrer Bunker, where the order to invade Poland was given




approaching the Brandenberg Tor, the Brandenberg Gate, 1990 The Brandenberg Gate was being cleaned & repaired by an East German company. I needed permission to enter the zone - for myself & one other - the photographer.
Hopefully this is the last armoured car to traverse the Gate.




crowd outside the restricted zone of the Brandenberg Gate, 1990    




the Brandenberg Tor, the Brandenberg Gate, 1990    




the Brandenberg Tor, the Brandenberg Gate, 1990    




the Brandenberg Tor, the Brandenberg Gate, 1990    




approaching the Reichstag steps, 1990    




approaching the Reichstag steps, 1990    





Final resting place; the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia

Watch that space!



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