Good evening, this is your captain speaking.

[transmission begins]

Let me introduce myself. My name is Enth Degree and the flight crew and myself will be looking after and caring for you during the next 15 minutes or that is for the duration of this flight. Flight Icarus. Please make sure your constraining belts are fastened as we prepare for take-off. Crew and flight attendants would you please make yourselves secure.

After take-off the crew will run through the safety procedures with you. You may think that you know all these details of by heart. I know that you have already flown many times before, but this is a special flight. Several new features have been added since the earlier unfortunate flight, but I don't want to focus on that here. I just ask that you acquaint yourselves with these new features and familiarise yourselves with the appropriate details. On a mission like this, with times as difficult as they are, we must be prepared for all eventualities. Please bear with us.

[transmission continues]