Entrance of the Virtual Gallery Wing where you will find details relating to the exhibition Machina: Persona at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia, January 1991.
Four machines were exhibited together with a small group of ancillary Proposals.
Images from that exhibition are accessed below.Click thumbnail images below to start slideshow,      then .   Watch the images at your own pace.

When you are ready you may want to check out one of the other galleries. Just click the appropriate button below.

machina: persona
art gallery of nsw australia
image details artist's running commentary general commentary


the temporary solo exhibition
Machina: Persona at the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney, Australia,  1991



a slide show of 10 images
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2 Antipodeans Marking out their Territory
270 x 250 x 1200 cm

materials: laminated wood, steel, proximity sensors, plc micro computer, wiper motor.




The armoured car had completed its journey in the performance work "Peace Car through Europe". It was freighted out of Hamburg port and as soon as it arrived in Sydney was freighted to the AG NSW for inclusion in this exhibition; Machina: Persona curated by Tony Bond.
One Sunday afternoon amongst a large crowd Arthur Wicks drove the armoured car around and between the spaces where the other machines were being exhibited. After some 20 minutes he exited the vehicle and left it as a relic in its selected space.




together with a small group of
the Proposals





a slide show of 2 images
click to start



Survival Boat for the 21st Century.
400 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm,

materials: laminated radiata pine and for a short period fibreglass skin, 1984.





a slide show of 5 images
click to start

the Armoured Car
220 x 103 x 270 cm
length extends additional 205 cm with the trailer

materials: laminated pine wood, steel axle, sealed with oil and resins


Used in the performance "Peace Car through Europe". Visit the Virtual Armoured Car Wing for more details, images and video clips..



a slide show of 3 images
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the Helicopter
aka the Solstice Voyeur's Observatory




















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