Entrance of the Virtual Gallery Wing where you will find details relating to the robotic cyclist.
Constructed for the Canberra Museum and Art Gallery (CMAG) under the title of the Artist Trapped in Artaud's Cage in December 2002 to February 2003
Then to Sydney to the Art Gallery of NSW where it was  never displayed but kept in storage for a period of time.
Exhibited at the University of Sydney in the Easter Ave Lecture Theatre Foyer. August 2007
Then exhibited at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in Harris St, Sydney where it was displayed October 2008 to February 2009.

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the  robotic  cyclist
aka   artist trapped in artaud's cage
image details general commentary artist's running commentary



at Canberra Museum & Art Gallery 2002                     at Sydney University 2007



Construction and Testing

Click to start slide show of 8 images
click RHS of final image to return here

Sketches translating an idea of a robotic cyclist into a physical, viewable and working object.


Preliminary sketches that envisage the final installation. The initial idea of creating an automated robotic cyclist then encompassed detailed problems associated with the joints and articulation of the spine, head and legs. Movement of the spine in particular involved input from Ken Myer the electronic engineer, Russell Emmerson of the Centre for Performance Studies at Sydney University and the artist.
These sketches are worth examining in detail as they reveal interesting and imaginative solutions to these problems.


This work started to take shape in 2001. I was particularly intrigued by the writings of Antonin Artaud. Imprisoned he sees himself as the sole free person alive outside a caged encapsulated world.
The idea of the artist trapped in a cage endlessly cycling to turn the wheel located way outside of his grasp appealed to me. Yes, there are also shades of one of Samuel Beckett's characters embedded here.



















Canberra Museum and Art Gallery, Canberra
December 2002 to February 2003







the University of Sydney
the Easter Ave Lecture Theatre Foyer
August 2007




  This animated gif gives an idea of the various torso body movements which, when associated with the motor driving the legs provides a complex robotic animation.  










the University of Technology Sydney
October 2008 to February 2009















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