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1966 - 67, print records

1979 I
1979 II
1981 I
1981 II
1985, 6, 7




Berliner Notizen 1984

Transformer: Fields of Change 1988

Arthur Wicks: Works 1989 - 92

Ahead of the Field

Essays &
General Articles

Exhibition Danny McDonald and Arthur Wicks, Warrnambool Art Gallery, 1983
Sand, David Hansen, review and comments from that exhibition, Warrnambool, 1983

Alternativa Performance Event, Almada, Portugal, August 1983
Alternative without Ambiguities, Egidio Alvaro commentary, Portugal, 1983

Berlin 1983-84
: Berliner Notizen booklet
Introductory essay (English), Michael Haerdter, Berlin, 1983, Notizen
Introductory essay (German), Michael Haerdter, Berlin, 1983, Notizen

Perspecta '85 (1985)
Is the Gallery Really Necessary?, 
Celia Winter-Irving, Perspecta '85
Arthur Wicks,
  (Survival Boat and Tent),   Celia Winter-Irving, Perspecta '85
Art's Courts Jester Seeks to Taunt and Tantalise
Chris Ashton, SMH, Perspecta '85
Outposts of Perspecta 85Elwyn Lynn, Australian, Perspecta '85
Footnote to the Perspecta 85 performance, Celia Winter-Irving, Harare Herald, Zimbabwe, 2007

Transformer: Fields of Change 1988 (touring exhibition)
Introductory Essay,  Tony Bond AM, Transformer: Fields of Change 1988,
Gesture is All
,   Rosemary Adams, Transformer: Fields of Change 1988,
Essay on Three Legs, David Hansen, Transformer: Fields of Change 1988,
Thoughts from Wilgie Mia,
   Arthur Wicks, Transformer: Fields of Change 1988,
Arthur Wicks an Example to Regional Artists,   Geoff Levitus, Periphery, August 1990

General Relating to Regional Arts Practice
Extract from 'Australia  Performance / p9', Rob la Frenai,s Performance (UK) July 1986
Arthur Wicks - an Example to Regional Artists, Geoff Levitus, Periphery,  Issue No. 4 August 1990
Beyond Neglect and the Divide ..., Michael Denholm, Periphery, August 1996

Sydney Biennale, 1990
X Marks the Spot, David Hansen, catalogue emtry to Arthur Wicks contribution, 1990

Machina: Persona, Art Gallery of New South Wales 1991
What Culture Means for Our Politicians,  Christopher Allen, SMH,  March 1991
All Aboard for the Trip Nowhere,  Elwyn Lynn, the Weekend Australian, February 1991
The Last Time I Saw Arthur Wicks..,  Pat Hoffie, Art Monthly Australia, March 1991
Machine as Metaphor,   Wendy Symonds,  AG of NSW Magazine Look, February 1991

Proposals; a group of maquettes shown in several venues in Eastern Australia (several included in the Machina: Persona exhibition at the AGNSW).
Proposals, George Hirst, published Arthur Wicks, Works 1989/92 booklet
Master of Anxious Object... , Sasha Grishin, Canberra Times August 1991*
Creation of Alternative Visual Puns, Robert Macklin, the Canberra Times, August 21, 1991

Peace Car through Europe, 1990
At the Edge of Time, Thomas Wulffen, Berlin, published Arthur Wicks, Works 1989/92 booklet
Enigmatic Campaigns of the Solstice Voyeur, Adrian Wintle, Daily Advertiser, Wagga 1991*

Sydney Biennale satellite event, The Trilogy, The Performance Space, 1992
Man + Machine = Art, Vivienne Skinner, Sydney University Gazette, August 1992

Art Gallery of NSW Roof Occupation, 1992
Deus ex Machina, David Hansen, Australia Art Monthly June 1992

Volt 1996, the work: Moments of Inertia: Friction
Brisbane Festival, Volt, 1996,  Linda Carroli + Ceallaigh Norman, Eyeline 32, Summer 1996
Volt, the Brisbane Festival, Beth Jackson, Eyeline 32, Summer 1996
Prosthetics, the Castration Complex ....,  Ceallaigh Norman, Periphery, Spring 1997

Volt 1998, the work: Moments of Inertia: Degrees of Freedom
Brisbane Festival, Volt 1998,  Linda Carroli, Eyeline 38, Summer. 1998

NGA Canberra Sculpture Prize & Exhibition
Political Edges, Sasha Grishan review, Canberra Sunday Times, March 2003

Biography/Curriculum Vitae


Photo material    


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