Entrance of the gallery space where you will find information relating to the 3 dimensional works of Arthur Wicks.
Included are:
the early shaped canvases (1967) and large scale temporary installations of that period,
the 3 dimensional Transformers which toured East Coast of Australia 1988 - 89,
the Proposals, a series of dystopian maquettes which were shown widely,
other sculptural works which were shown nationally.

When you are ready you may want to check out one of the other galleries. Just click the appropriate button below.

library & research material
3D  Works
medium specific gallery wing commentary


        to sculptures                             to paintings



Early shaped canvases and sculptural works
To visit the Virtual Gallery Wing dedicated to Painted and Sculptural works; click HERE.





   Emmanuel,  December 1968     Cross of Christ,  Easter 1969


The sculptural painted works installed into the grounds of St Margaret's Church, Downer, Canberra 1968, 1969. To visit that Virtual Gallery Wing click HERE.  



Transformer: Fields of Change

A series of shaped painted objects that developed from the Armoured Car project. (Click HERE to visit the Virtual Wing of that vehicle).
In their own quickish way these objects formed a Missile Defence System for the Armoured Car.


These 3 dimensional works were part of a group which included works on paper (2D Transformers). This collection toured in 1989, titled   Transformer: Fields of Change,
and were exhibited in these venues:

Albury Art Centre (first exhibiting venue)
Ben Grady Gallery, Canberra,
Penrith Emu Plains Gallery,
Mildura Art Centre,
Benalla Regional Art Gallery,

Roz macAllan Gallery, Brisbane

Gallerie Dusseldorf, Perth,

To view the 2 Dimensional Transformers which accompanied the touring exhibition click HERE.

To read brief essays relating to these works visit the Library Wing.
To read the booklet that accompanied the touring exhibition;
click HERE








Gallerie Dusseldorf, Perth.

The works in this exhibition were freighted to Perth. Included was a group of large pencil and charcoal drawings on thin plasticised canvas sheet. The images on these sheets resembled projected images of the large Antipodean is. Several of the three-dimensional transformer objects were included in the installed exhibition. The spatial relationship between the flat drawings and the objects created their own tension.




The Proposals Series.

Dystopian maquettes




           Secret Landing Strip                     Solstice Atarpiece

Solstice Altarpiece 1986,   and the
Secret Landing Strip 1988. Click HERE



Yellow Rocking Hill at Wilgie Mia (Western Australia)  



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